Infinity Consciousness -- Everyone has it, but tricked by a concept.

It's "time" to get rid of "linear time" and put "simultaneous time" into the cultural consciousness.

Tricked by a concept.
The concept is "linear time". Past, present, future. In this methodology, the present is represented as infinitesimally small, it's represented as "sandwiched" between the past and the future.

This is all fine and good on paper, but direct experience does not show this.

If you stop and observe, all you experience is a "spacious present". Do you actually observe yourself moving from the "past" to the present ?

At what point do you observe the "future" coming into your present ?

You don't.

Linear time has it's applications, but as with all applications if taken too far they do more harm then good.

We all have infinity consciousness, the trick is to not get tricked.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

There are LITERALLY, no problems in the Now moment.

(Expounding further on Eckhart Tolle's concept.)

There are literally no problems in the Now moment IF you are truly in the Now moment. Thats a pretty bold and controversial statement.

I can hear people saying, that's impossible, I have bills to pay and not enough money, I have a disease, my relationship suffers, I have...etc, etc, etc.

Well this concept is sorta like a "sleight of hand of society". As pointed out in the post labeled Eckhart Tolle below, in the now moment, with no thoughts, where are the problems?

But then again, someone will point out, well maybe at that point there are no problems, but they are still there "lingering".

And that is the "sleight of hand of society". Cause the real question is, are they really there "lingering" ? What exactly is one saying ?

As if the problems are just sittin there, out in space waiting for you. 

Think about it.

What would happen if you always stayed in the now with no thoughts?  Would your problems still be lingering?

This is the "quantum shift", realizing what the above Really means. Because, we live in a society that has "objectified everything", which is done on purpose.

There is actually massive, massive amounts of energy spent 24/7, on-world and off-world to keep the program intact, of making you think that everything is objectified.

Even your consciousness.
I say "un-objectify" your world and your consciousness.

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