Infinity Consciousness -- Everyone has it, but tricked by a concept.

It's "time" to get rid of "linear time" and put "simultaneous time" into the cultural consciousness.

Tricked by a concept.
The concept is "linear time". Past, present, future. In this methodology, the present is represented as infinitesimally small, it's represented as "sandwiched" between the past and the future.

This is all fine and good on paper, but direct experience does not show this.

If you stop and observe, all you experience is a "spacious present". Do you actually observe yourself moving from the "past" to the present ?

At what point do you observe the "future" coming into your present ?

You don't.

Linear time has it's applications, but as with all applications if taken too far they do more harm then good.

We all have infinity consciousness, the trick is to not get tricked.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Tank: "What do you need ?"

Neo: "Guns. Lots of guns".

Here's a visual of simultaneous time and the infinite "warehouse of choices" that is you, right at this "second in time".

(Lol. Couldn't resist the" second in time" thing.)

"The best example I can think of is: imagine there is a huge warehouse, which is dark, and you live in this warehouse with one flashlight. Everything you know about this warehouse is seen through the light of this one small flashlight. Whenever you want to look for something, you may or may not find it, but it does not mean the thing does not exist. It is there, but you just haven't flashed your light on it. You can only see what your light is focused on. Then one day, someone flicks on a lightswitch, and for the first time, you can see the whole warehouse. The vastness of it is almost overwhelming, you can't see all the way to the end, and you know there is more than what you can see. But you do see how all the products are lined up on all the shelves, and you notice just how many different things there are in the warehouse which you never noticed, never even conceived having existed, yet they do, simultaneously with the things you know existed (those are the things your flashlight had been able to find)."

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